The Heartbeat Of Our Church
This is really where Christian life happens. Our goal is to connect with one another, grow in Christ, and ultimately serve other people. Our ministry groups are where we pray together, fellowship, break bread together, and learn from God’s Word. We celebrate our blessing and support each other through life’s challenges.

Music & Arts Ministry
True worship and praise are about exalting, adoring, and acknowledging what God has done in our lives. It is an outward expression of an intimate and profound relationship with God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Worship is done with a group of people or by ourselves. We can worship God in church or our living rooms. Location or how many people are involved doesn’t matter. When we come before the Lord with a pure and repentant heart, He will bless us with His grace and mercy.
Many people associate worship and praise with music, but there are certainly other types of expression. We can worship and praise God through raising our hands in adoration, dance, art, through the use of poetry, mime, and even through theatrical presentations. Our Music and Arts Ministry is where we use all God-given talent for His glory.

Women’s Ministry
Every woman desires friends who will walk with her through life’s joys and sorrows. We are ready to join you on that journey. Our Bible studies, fellowships, outreach activities, and service projects will help you develop deeper relationships with Jesus Christ and other women.
We meet in Bible studies and monthly fellowship gatherings outside the church setting to strengthen our relationship with one another and with our Lord.

Men's Ministry
Our goal is to reach and engage every man in ministry from the pulpit to pew. We aim to offer men support, fellowship, and relationships that strengthen their Christian walk. We want to help men meet the challenges of being a husband, father, and wage earner in today’s society. Our task is to impact the church’s men and equip them to be the leaders God has called them to be. We meet in Bible studies and accountability circles strategically scheduled to keep men walking in their faith and following our Lord.

Youth Ministry
We have worked hard to know our kids’ culture and recognize the way kids grow in Christ. Our Kids’ Ministry is built on a philosophy that kids learn best through both church and through parent involvement. Therefore, we lean heavily on the home to support what we do at church. And we expect the home to lean heavily on us.

Christian Education
It is our goal to develop mature Christians by continually studying God’s Word. Solid Foundation is our fundamental bible study program, and the Bible-In-Life series by David C. Cook is our weekly Christian Education material for the entire family. The lessons help bring clarity, understand your salvation, increase scriptural knowledge, and introduce biblical principles in a relevant way. It does not matter if this is all new or if you have had years of Christian experience. We must build a solid foundation in the Word of God and study to continue to build upon it.

Community Outreach
We believe the abundant life Jesus came to bring goes far beyond our church building and usual congregational activities. Christianity is more than a religion; it’s a way of life. As committed believers, it’s our responsibility to go outside the church walls and encourage this Christian lifestyle.
We also believe that Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We should impact the world by personally demonstrating this abundant life. Today’s outreach efforts should be more creative now than ever before. Our community outreach and networking events are innovative ways to introduce seekers to the body of Christ.

Hospitality Ministry
Hospitality is not so much a ministry as a way we share ourselves with others. The church is a crucial setting for nurturing a life of welcome. Although it involves performing specific duties, welcome emerges from a grateful heart. We appreciate the opportunity to act as host, welcoming others and making a place for guests and members.
Churches, like families, eat together to strengthen their relationship. The table is central to the practice of hospitality in the home and the church. We get nourished there physically and spiritually. Whether we gather around the communion table or for a church potluck, we get strengthened as a community. It allows us to establish new relationships and sustain existing ones.

Media Ministry
We realize that in today’s world, the church goes beyond our four walls. To impact our community, region, and world we want to have a digital presence for the sake of the Gospel! If you are gifted in audio visual or social media area, we have a place for you.
Get Involved
Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something!